Atmospheric Water and Energy Generation Science(AWEG)

AWEG is the next generation technology with the ability to extract water vapor from the air at enormous rates with the help of a patented chemical desiccant.

Simply, cooling-condensation and dryer-based systems are used for atmospheric water production. Their goal is the same: to provide sustainable clean water!

Atmospheric Water and Energy harvesting (AWEG) is a new generation technological method capable of extracting water vapor from the air, even in arid environments.

By cooling the air below the dew point, it allows water vapor to condense and become liquid.

This condensed water is then collected, filtered and treated to produce clean, safe drinking water.

There are several methods to achieve atmospheric water production, including cooling condensation and dryer-based systems.

Cooling condensation systems use a cooling process to lower the air temperature, while desiccant-based systems use moisture absorbing materials to remove water vapor.

Both methods have their own advantages, but the primary goal is the same: To provide a SUSTAINABLE source of clean water!